Thursday, January 4, 2007

Thing #2: Haystac, Your Oddly Named Library Catalog

This first week is just about getting familiar with the "physical library" as in getting such critical information as where the best bathrooms are located, where to take an undisturbed nap or where to enjoy a pleasant vista? So, you're going to take a tour (I confess I once worked as tour guide, but in the spirit of "do it yourself" information seeking, this one is self-guided)

Before you do that, though, take a little time to get familiar with Haystac (the library catalog) - in fact, you can do most (but not all) of this "Thing" from home and fill in the gaps while doing the tour (Thing #3).

Use the blue Library of Congress Classification handout (available at the Reference Desk or try here and find a call number subclass for a topic that interests you. You may want to choose something from Medicine or Science, but it's not necessary for this assignment.

Make a note of the topic and subclass letters. You will fill out the answers to the following and post them in your blog with "Thing 2" as the post title.

Call number subclass (two letters):

Okay, that was pretty easy, now find three books and one media item using that call number. You'll need to include the following information for each item (so jot it down as you search):

1. Reference book
* Call number
* Title
* Author
* Subjects (hint: look for the blue links under the Location & Call Number table)
* Two interesting facts or ideas you found in this resource and the page numbers where you found those facts or ideas.

2. Non-reference book:(hint: non-reference books are shelved in the stacks)
* Call number
* Title
* Author
* Subjects
* Two interesting facts or ideas you found in this resource and the page numbers where you found those facts or ideas.

3. Electronic book
* Call number (if possible, some e-books don't have a call number)
* Title
* Author
* Subjects (hint: look for the blue links under the location & call number table to find subjects)
* Two interesting facts or ideas you found in this resource and the page numbers where you found those facts or ideas.

4. Video or DVD or Audio recording (hint: see directions below):
* Call number (if possible)
* Title
* Author
* Subjects

So how do you find these materials? Here are some handy directions:

* Use the Call Number Search option to find books with the two letter LC classification that you have chosen.
* Then use the "Limit this Search" option to limit by WHERE the item is located: reference, book stacks, or internet resource.
* For the video/DVD/audio resource, do a WORD search for your topic and limit the location to "Media/Reserves Collection".

* REMINDER: All of the call numbers for your books should start with the same two letters.

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