Tuesday, February 6, 2007

Thing #15: Explore Some Web-Based Applications

When you think of writing a paper for a class or creating a spreadsheet, normally the first thing that pops to mind is Microsoft Office applications: Word and Excel. In order to use these applications, you must buy and install a copy of them on your computer (or borrow someone else's computer - like in the library or other campus computer labs.). But there is another way. You know how del.icio.us allows you to take your bookmarks with you to any computer? And you can easily share those bookmarks with whomever you choose? Now it is possible for you to use an online word processor (or calendar or spreadsheet software) from any computer with internet access.

You can write a sonnet, prepare a budget, plan your wedding, create an organizational chart or presentation - and oh yeah - do your homework! You can create, edit, share and store documents online for free - no purchase necessary. Below is a list of commonly used online productivity web-based applications.

Word processing: Google docs, Zoho writer
Spreadsheets: Google sheets, Zoho sheet
Planners/calendars: Backpack, HipCal
Presentation/visual: Zoho show, Gliffy

  • Choose two applications from the list above (different types).
  • Create accounts for each application (if you use the Google applications, you can user your Blogger account).
  • Create a simple document/spreadsheet/presentation or make a few entries in a calendar - play around and check out the features of each application.
  • Answer the following questions about each application:
  1. Tell me about the application and what you found out while exploring it.
  2. What might you use this application for in your school and personal life?
  3. What special feature of this application do you like best? How does it work?

Blog post due: Monday, February 12th by 9pm.

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