Monday, February 19, 2007

Thing #20: Explore a Few Award-Winning Web 2.0 sites

As we begin to wrap up our exploration of emerging web tools & how they relate to information-seeking, we'd like you to take a look at some of the most innovative sites on the web (2.0, of course).

For this thing, you'll visit's 2006 Web 2.o Awards. Browse through the categories and find 2 sites. One should be related to information seeking or organizing, but the second is up to you (pick something fun like shopping, games, etc.)

Here are a few award-winners that I especially like. Learn about corporations' labor practices and ethics (or lack thereof) on this wiki Randomly connects you with websites based on your personal interests Create your own search engines of web sites; easily add new sites from your browser Multi-functional RSS manager where you can blog, search for and manage feeds Free, online game central w/classic, puzzle, sports, action and other games

For each of your choices:
  • Describe the purpose of the site
  • Describe a few interesting features
  • How you would use this site to track or manage information in life
Due by Monday, 2/26 @ 9PM

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